Welcome To My Observatory

Welcome To My Observatory

Hello, and welcome to another lockdown blog post.  Clearing the backlog generated by the opportunity to do a shed load of astronomy due to the lockdown measures coinciding with some brilliant observing and imaging weather conditions.
Back in October last year, I had my observatory built, and now I've had plenty of time to get settled into using it.  All my kit has been moved in, and I've been able to knock out images more regularly that I have ever have done before.  Actually, let me rephrase that.  I've managed to take advantage of minimum set up times, and every weather opportunity presented.  That's probably more accurate.
Anyway.  I've posted a couple of pictures here and there of the observatory, but nothing that really takes a close look at it.  So, here by no popular demand whatsoever (actually, two requests), I've taken a step into the world of YouTube and put together a quick video tour of the finished product.

Keeping, this post short and sweet, that's a wrap for this one!  I'm off to start processing more data which I have gathered in the last month or so.  The backlog of posts is finally diminishing, but I'll keep going until I'm all done and I have to wait for the next batch of good weather so I can start astronomising once again.  Still to come this week, I'll be posting about a couple more images I've taken of a couple of Messier objects, and also Astrocamp on Lockdown!
Stay safe everyone!


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