Building a DIY Dew Heater

A few weeks ago, I put together a page on the construction of a DIY Dew Heater Controller.  Since then, I have had the change to build, test, rebuild and slightly refine two types of heaters to connect to the controller.  The heaters are for the lens of my DSLR camera, and the secondary mirror of the SBT.  The full article on the construction of the heating elements can be found here.

Yet to be tested in the field, I hope that at least the secondary heater does it's job.  There's plenty of scope for improvements. and perhaps later in the year, I'll look at some different materials.

Until next time, clear skies, and cheers!


  1. Wow, this is really interesting reading. I am glad I found this and got to read it. Great job on this content. I like it. other


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